APRS igate, weather station and telemetry
This project combines the weather station with an APRS igate and PE1RXF telemetry server capabilities into a stand alone APRS system. It sends weather report via both 1200bd APRS and LoRa APRS. The iGate uses an RNode LoRa link to connect to the internet.
The weather station collects weather data and sends it via a ModBus to a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. There it is further processed to make an APRS weather report, which is than sent via a 5 Watt 2 meter transceiver to the APRS network. The weather report is also sent via a 20dBm 70cm LoRa transceiver to the LoRa APRS network. Local APRS traffic received by these radios is forwarded to the APRS-IS network via a 70cm 20kbps LoRa RNode tcp/ip network link.
The antenna for the APRS traffic is a dual band X30 at 5 meters high. The wind vane and the anemometer are mounted at a height of 4 meters. A Moonraker HB9CV 70cm antenna at 4 meters high is used for the RNode tcp/ip link.
The RNode link connects to the base station at my house. The antenna there is a 6 elements Yagi. With transmitters only outputting 50mW, an antenna with a high gain ensures a reliable link.